Ice Out / On Data & Charts Since 1944 families on the lake have kept records of when the ice goes out in the spring. The date that ice first covers the entire surface has also been recorded starting in 1987. Contributors to the data include Jim Maki, Dick Maki, Waino Maki, Jay Mackie, Mark Cheme, Burntside Lodge, Camp Van Vac, and Reynold Mack. Annual Ice out and Ice On Data Beginning in 1940 the much anticipated date the Burntside is clear of ice is tabulated. Starting in 1987 the date when ice again covers the lake is also recorded Download View Scatterplots of Ice Out Date and Days of Open Water There is great variation from in the date when the lake is first clear of all ice. Therefore, the number of days in which Burntside is clear of ice also varies from year to year. Download View
Since 1944 families on the lake have kept records of when the ice goes out in the spring. The date that ice first covers the entire surface has also been recorded starting in 1987. Contributors to the data include Jim Maki, Dick Maki, Waino Maki, Jay Mackie, Mark Cheme, Burntside Lodge, Camp Van Vac, and Reynold Mack.
Beginning in 1940 the much anticipated date the Burntside is clear of ice is tabulated. Starting in 1987 the date when ice again covers the lake is also recorded
There is great variation from in the date when the lake is first clear of all ice. Therefore, the number of days in which Burntside is clear of ice also varies from year to year.